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Lionel Ritchie - Dancing on the Ceiling
(A pentatonic)

PreIntro: C    C    C    C  (geen zang)

Intro:   (Dm-C C    G--F F) 2x
          '' '      '' '
Strofe:   C-Bb F    C-Bb F

          C-Bb F    G    G

Refrein: (Dm-C C    G--F F) 2x
          '' '      '' '

Refrein:  4x

SOLO 01.46 (Ap) F-C   G
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              |=========| |=========|          |=========|  |===| 

Everyb.:   loop
           |===| |=====|
          -------------F of Dm
          F       C CG   loop   F      CF FG   loop
          1234 1234 1234 1234   1234 1234 1234 1234 

          F       C CG   loop   Dm    F     G   A
          1234 1234 1234 1234   1234 1234 1234 1234 

Getdown:  D (Enkel Synth)

Strofe:   D-C  G    D-C  G

          D-C  G    A    A

Refrein: (Em-D D    A--G G) RTEx
          '' '      '' ' 

Solo Live in Bp
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