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Coldplay - Adventures of a lifetime

Intro:   Dm  G   Am  Am-Em    (1ste keer enkel Em spelen)
4x                      ''

Strofe:  Dm  G   Am  Am

PreRefr: Dm  G   Am  Am   Dm  G   Am  Am-Em
         '   x   '   x    '   x   '   x  ''

Refrein: Dm  G   Am  Am-Em
2x                      ''

Strofe: Dm G Am E5-D5-C5-B5 (tegenritmisch) Dm G Am |-----------------------| |-----------------------| |-----------------------| |-----5-4---------------| |-7-5-------------------| |-----------------------| PreRefr: Dm G Am Am Dm G Am Am-Em ' x ' x ' x ' x '' Refrein: Dm G Am Am-Em 5x '' Tokkel: Dm G Am Am 2x Woohoo: Dm G Am Am-Em xRTE ''